My Hands

My Hands
These hands are not soft, but are put to work to be strong and dependable.. they will catch you when you fall and support you when you're down.. these are MY HANDS! And they are ready for you :) please let them help you...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Be a Lighthouse!!

I had been feeling like the Light within us could Shine So Bright that others could see it on our face. Then on January 29, this picture was posted on my Facebook by one of my Coaches, Chad Porter.  Here was my response... :)

You are the Lighthouse for the lost sailors of the storm trodden sea..

Be that LIGHT so they can see you no matter how dark the night.. 

Be so welcoming that they are glad that they have found you and envelope them with your LIGHT... 

That is what we should strive to Achieve!

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